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"There are two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery" 
Enrico Fermi, physicist (1901, Rome - 1954, Chicago)

1)  Wojnacki J., Quassollo G., Bordenave MD, Unsain N., Martinez GF, Szalai AM, Pertz O., Gundersen GG, Bartolini F., Stefani FD, Caceres A.,Bisbal M. "Dual spatio-temporal regulation of axon growth and microtubule dynamics by RhoA signaling pathways" J Cell Science 2024, Jul 15;137(14):jcs261970. doi: 10.1242/jcs.261970. Epub 2024 Jul 29.PMID: 38910449.


2) A. Kumar, D. Larrea, M.E. Pero, P. Infante, M. Conenna, G.J. Shin, V. Van Elias, W. B. Grueber, L. Di Marcotullio, E. Area-Gomez, F. Bartolini "MFN2 coordinates mitochondria motility with α-tubulin acetylation and this regulation is disrupted in CMT2A" - iScience 2024 Jun 21; 27(6): 109994.


3)   Oevel K.Hohensee S., Kumar A., Rosas-Brugada I., Bartolini F., Soykan T. and Haucke H. "Rho GTPase signaling and mDia facilitate endocytosis via presynaptic actin" - Elife 2023, Dec 5;


4)   Sanchini C, Rosito M, Comincini A, De Panfilis S, Bartolini F, Di Angelantonio S. "Protocol for observing microtubules and microtubule ends in both fixed and live primary microglia cells" - STAR Protoc. 2023, Aug 12;4(3):102499. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102499.


5)   Rosito M., Sanchini C., Gosti G., Moreno M., De Panfilis S., Giubettini M., Debellis D., Catalano F., Peruzzi G., Marotta R., Indrieri A., De Leonibus E., Ragozzino D., Ruocco G., Di Angelantonio S.* and Bartolini F.* "Reactive microglia and cytokine release entails microtubule remodeling from acentrosomal to centrosomal arrays"- Cell Reports -

 2023 Feb 13;42(2):112104. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112104. 


6)   Kim YA, Blaze J., Winters T., Kumar A., Tein E., Sproul AA, Teich AF, Bartolini F., Akbarian S., Hargus G. and Santa-Maria I. "RNA methyltransferase NSun2 deficiency promotes neurodegeneration through epitranscriptomic regulation of tau phosphorylation"- Acta Neuropathologica - Jan;145(1):29-48. doi: 10.1007/s00401-022-02511-7..


7)  Martínez-Hernández J.,Parato J., Sharma A., Soleilhac JM, Qu X., Tein E., Sproul A.,Andrieux A., Goldberg Y., Moutin MJ, Bartolini F.* and Peris L.*- Crosstalk between acetylation and the tyrosination/detyrosination cycle of α-tubulin in Alzheimer’s disease - Frontiers in Cell and Dev Biol - 2022 Aug 26;10:926914. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.926914.


8)  Orman M, Landis M, Oza A, Nambiar D, Gjeci J, Song K, Huang V, Klestzick A, Hachicho C, Liu SQ, Kamm JM, Bartolini F, Vadakkan JJ, Rojas CM, Vizcarra CL. "Alterations to the broad-spectrum formin inhibitor SMIFH2 modulate potency but not specificity"- Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 8;12(1):13520. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-17685-z.


9)  Peris L.*#, Parato J.#, Qu X.#, Soleilhac J.M.,Lante F., Kumar K., Pero M.E., Martinez-Hernandez J., Corrao C., Falivelli G., Payet F., Gory-Faure S., Bosc C., Blanca Ramirez M., Sproul A., Brocard J., Di Cara B., Delagrange P., Buisson A., Goldberg Y., Moutin M.J.*, Bartolini F.*, Andrieux A.* "Impaired α-tubulin re-tyrosination leads to synaptic dysfunction and is a feature of Alzheimer's disease"- Brain - 2022 Jul 29;145(7):2486-2506. doi: 10.1093/brain/awab436. (# the authors contributed equally)


10)  Eira J., Magalhaes J., Macedo N.,Pero M.E., Misgeld T., Sousa M.M., Bartolini F., Liz M.A. "Transthyretin promotes axon growth via regulation of microtubule dynamics and tubulin acetylation"- Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology - 2021 Nov 8;9:747699. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.747699.


11)   Shin G.J., Pero M.E., Hammond L.A., Burgos A., Kumar A., Galindo S.E., Tanguy L., Bartolini F., and W.B. Grueber " ­­Integrins protect sensory neurons in models of paclitaxel-induced peripheral sensory neuropathy" - PNAS 2021, Apr 13;118(15):e2006050118.  doi: 10.1073/pnas.2006050118


12)   Qu X., Kumar A. and Bartolini F.* “Live-imaging of microtubule dynamics at excitatory presynaptic boutons in primary hippocampal neurons and acute hippocampal slices”- STAR Protocols 2021,


13)   Pero M.E., Meregalli C., Qu X., Kumar A, Shorey M., Rolls M., Tanji K., Brannangan T.H., Alberti P., Fumagalli G., Monza L., Cavaletti G. and Bartolini F*. “Pathogenic role of Delta-2 tubulin in bortezomib induced peripheral neuropathy”- PNAS January 26, 2021 118 (4) e2012685118


14)    Müller-Deku A., Meiring J.C.M., Loy K., Kraus Y., Heise C., Bingham R., Jansen K.I., Qu X., Bartolini F., Kapitein L.C., Akhmanova A., Ahlfeld J., Trauner D., Thorn-Seshold O. "Photoswitchable paclitaxel-based microtubule stabilisers allow optical control over the microtubule cytoskeleton"- Nat Comm, 2020 "- Nat Comm 2020 Sep 15;11(1):4640. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18389-6.


15)  Rekha Dhanwani, John Pham, Ashmitaa Logandha Ramamoorthy Premlal, April Frazier, Atul Kumar, Maria Elena Pero, Francesca Bartolini, Juliana Rezende Dutra, Karen Marder, Bjoern Peters, David Sulzer, Alessandro Sette, Cecilia Lindestam Arlehamn "T cell responses to neural autoantigens are similar in Alzheimer’s disease patients and age-matched healthy controls "- Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Neurodegeneration 2020 Aug 27;14:874. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00874. eCollection 2020.


16)  Stephen D. Carter, Cheri M. Hampton, Robert Langlois, Roberto Melero, Zachary J. Farino, Wen Li, Robert A. Grassucci, Stephanie Siegmund, Joshua Pemberton, Travis J. Morgenstern, Jenny I. Aguilar, Elana S. Levy, Nili L. Greenberg, William J. Rice, Christoph Wigge, Maïté Courel, Robin J. Freyberg, Estela Area-Gomez, Bartolini F., Peter Walter, Tamas Balla, Jose-Maria Carazo, Grant J. Jensen, Joachim Frank, Zachary Freyberg. “Ribosome-Associated Vesicles: a dynamic vesicular endoplasmic reticulum in secretory cells”- Science Advances, 2020. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay 9572.


17)    Pinto-Costa R., Sousa S.C., Leite S. C., Nogueira-Rodrigues J., Ferreira da Silva T., Marques J., Costa A.C., Liz M.A., Bartolini F., Brites P., Costell M., Fässler R., and Sousa M.M. “Profilin1 delivery tunes cytoskeleton dynamics towards CNS axon regeneration”- J Clin Invest. 2020 Jan 16. pii: 125771. doi: 10.1172/JCI125771.


18)    Qu X., Kumar A., Blockus H., Waites C., and Bartolini F*. “Activity-dependent nucleation of dynamic microtubules at presynaptic boutons controls neurotransmission”- Curr Biol, 2019, Dec 16;29(24):4231-4240.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.10.049. (Dispatch in Curr Biol, 2019, DOI:, and recommended in F1000Prime: Sedensky M and Zimin P: 16 Dec 2019; 10.3410/f.737035724.793568574, Gupton S: 12 Feb 2020; 10.3410/f.737035724.793570673 and Chapman E and Vevea J: 20 Feb 2020; 10.3410/f.737035724.793571031). 


19)    Teoh J., Subramanian N., Pero M.E., Bartolini F., Amador A., Kanber A., Williams D., Petri S.,Yang M., Allen A.S., Beal J., Haut S.R., Frankel W.N. “Arfgef1 haploinsufficiency in mice reduces membrane surface postsynaptic GABAA receptors through dysregulation of endosomal membrane transport”- Neurobiol Dis, 2019, 134:104632.


20)    Pero M.E., Cortese L., Mastellone V., Tudisco R., Musco N., Scandurra A., D'Aniello B., Vassalotti G., Bartolini F., Lombardi P. “Effects of a nutritional supplement on cognitive function in aged dogs and on synaptic function of primary cultured neurons”- Animals, 2019, 9 (7). pii: E39.


21)    Qu X., F.N. Yuan, C. Corona, S. Pasini, Gundersen G.G., M. Shelanski, and Bartolini F*. “Stabilization of dynamic microtubules by mDia1 drives Tau-dependent Aβ1-42 synaptotoxicity” – J Cell Biol, 2017, 216(10):3161-3178. (Featured article in a special collection by J of Cell Biol of Reviews in Neurodegeneration for ASCB 2017) 


22)    Kawamura A., Washington I., Mihai DM, Bartolini F., Gundersen G.G., Mark M.T. and Nakanishi K. “Identification of ginkgolide targets in brain by photoaffinity labeling”- Chem Biol Drug Des, 2016, 89(4):475-481.


23)   Bartolini F., Andrés-Delgado L., Qu X., Nik S., Ramalingam N., Alonso M.A., and Gundersen G.G. “An mDia1/INF2 activation cascade facilitated by IQGAP1 regulates stable microtubules in migrating cells”- MBoC, 2016, 27(11): 1797-1808.


24)   Morris E., Nader G., Ramalingam N., Bartolini F., and Gundersen G.G. “Kif4 interacts with EB1 and stabilizes microtubules downstream of Rho-mDia in migrating fibroblasts”- Plos One, 2014, 9(3): e91568. 


25)   Pianu B., Lefort R., Toubier E., and Bartolini F*. “Amyloid-beta1-42 peptide regulates microtubule stability independently of tau”- J Cell Sci, 2014, 127(5):1117-27. 


26)   Andres-Delgado L., et al., Olga M. Anton, Bartolini F., Gundersen G.G., and Alonso A.M. “The formin INF2 mediates the formation of arrays of detyrosinated microtubules necessary for reorientation of the centrosome to the immunological synapse of T lymphocytes”- J Cell Biol, 2012, 198(6):1025-37.


27)   Bartolini F., Ramalingam N., and Gundersen G.G. “The formin mDia1 is released from actin filaments to stabilize microtubules”- MBoC, 2012, 23(20):4032-40.


28)   Okada K., Bartolini F., Deaconescu A., Moseley J. B., Dogic Z., Grigorieff   N., Gundersen G.G., and Goode B. L. “The tumor suppressor APC is a potent nucleator of actin assembly that synergizes with formins”- J Cell Biol, 2010, 89(7): 1087-1096, (In focus in J Cell Biol, 2010, 89(7): 1055).


29)   Bartolini F., Moseley J.B., Schmoranzer J., Goode B.L., and Gundersen   G.G. “The formin mDia stabilizes microtubules independently of its actin nucleation activity”- J Cell Biol, 2008, 181(3): 523-536, (Dispatch in Curr Biol, 2008, 18(14): 605-608).


30)   Moseley J. B., Bartolini F., Okada K., Wen Y, Gundersen G.G., and Goode B.L. “Regulated binding of Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein to actin”- J Biol Chem, 2007, 282(17): 12661-12668.  


31)   Bartolini F.,Tian G., Piehl M., Cassimeris L., Lewis S. and Cowan N.J. – “Identification of a novel-tubulin destabilizing protein related to tubulin-chaperone cofactor E” – J Cell Sci, 2005, 118: 1197-1207,  (Research Focus in Trends in Cell Biol,  2005, 15(11): 571-573).


32)   Bloom J., Amador V., Bartolini F., De Martino G., and Pagano M. – “Triggering proteosome-mediated degradation of p21 via the ubiquitin system” – Cell, 2003, 115(1): 71-82.


33)   Shern J.F., Sharer J.D., Pallas D., Bartolini F., Cowan N.J., Reed M.S., Pohl J and Kahn R. – “Cytosolic Arl2 is complexed with cofactor D and PP2A” - J Biol Chem, 2003, 278 (42): 40829-40836. 


34)   Grayson C, Bartolini F., Chapple J.P., Willison K.R., Bhamidipati A., Lewis S.A., Luthert P.J., Hardcastle A.J., Cowan N.J. and Cheetham M.E. - “Localization in the human retina of the X-linked retinitis pigmentosa protein RP2, its homologue cofactor C and the RP2 interacting protein Arl3” - Hum Mol Genet, 2002, 11(24): 3065-3074. 


35)   Martin-Benito J., Boskovic J., Gomez-Puertas P., Carrascosa J.L., Simons C., Lewis S.A., Bartolini F., Cowan N.J. and Valpuesta J.M. – “Structure of eukariotic Prefoldin and of its complexes with unfolded actin and the cytosolic chaperonin CCT” - EMBO J, 2002, 21(23): 6377-6386.


36)   Bartolini F., Bhamidipati A., Thomas S., Schwahn U., Lewis S.A., Cowan N.J.- “Functional overlap between retinitis pigmentosa 2 protein and the tubulin-specific chaperone Cofactor C” - J Biol Chem, 2002, 277(17): 14629-14634. 


37)   Jones S., Jedd G., Kahn R.A., Franzusoff A., Bartolini F., Segev N. – “Genetic interactions in yeast between Ypt GTPases and Arf guanine nucleotide exchangers” – Genetics, 1999, 152(4): 1543-1556. 


38)   Cozzi R., Ricordy R., Bartolini F., Ramadori L., Perticone P. and De Salvia R.- "Taurine and Ellagic acid: two differently acting natural antioxidants” - Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 1995, 26(3): 248-254.


Peer Reviewed Review Articles: 


1)    Bartolini F. and Gundersen G.G. “Organization of non-centrosomal microtubule arrays”, J of Cell Sci, 2006, 119(20): 4155-4163. 


2)    Bartolini F. and Gundersen G.G. “Formins and microtubules”, Bioch Bioph Acta - Molecular Cell Research for Special Issue: Formins, 2010, 1803(2): 164-173. 


3)    Lieberman O.J., Bartolini F. and Miniaci MC. "Unveiling the impact of GIRK channels in Alzheimer's disease"- Aging-US, 2020 Oct 14;12(19):18793-18794.


4)   Waites C., Qu X. and Bartolini F.*. "The synaptic life of microtubules", Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2021,Apr 16;69:113-123.  doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2021.03.004 


5)   Parato J. and Bartolini F.*. "The microtubule cytoskeleton at the synapse", Neuroscience Letters - Special Issue on "Microtubules:multiple roles in healthy neurons and in neurological disease", 2021, Mar 25;135850.  doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2021.135850.


6)   Pero ME., Chowdhury F. and Bartolini F.*. "Tubulin post-translational modifications in peripheral neuropathies", Experimental Neurology - Special Issue on "Tubulin and axonal transport disturbances in CNS and PNS diseases".Exp Neurol. 2023 Feb;360:114274. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2022.114274.


7)   Teoh J. and Bartolini F.*. "Emerging roles for tubulin PTMs in neuronal function and neurodegenerative disease", Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2025 Jan 24;90:102971. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2025.102971.


Preprinted Articles & Editorials:


1)  Jose Wojnacki, Gonzalo Quassollo, Martin D Bordenave, Nicolas Unsain, Gaby F Martinez, Alan M Szalai, Olivier Pertz, Gregg G Gundersen, Francesca Bartolini, Fernando D Stefani, Alfredo Caceres, Mariano Bisbal "Dual spatio-temporal regulation of axon growth and microtubule dynamics by RhoA signaling pathways" bioRxiv 2023.04. 17.537156 (under review)


2) A. Kumar, D. Larrea, M.E. Pero, P. Infante, M. Conenna, G.J. Shin, W. B. Grueber, L. Di Marcotullio, E. Area-Gomez, F. Bartolini "MFN2-dependent recruitment of ATAT1 coordinates mitochondria motility with α-tubulin acetylation and is disrupted in CMT2A"

BioRxiv, bioRxiv, 2023.03. 15.532838 (under review)


3)   Marina Orman, Maya Landis, Aisha Oza, Deepika Nambiar, Joana Gjeci, Kristen Song, Vivian Huang, Amanda Klestzick, Carla Hachicho, Su Qing Liu, Judith M Kamm, Francesca Bartolini, Jean J Vadakkan, Christian M Rojas, Christina L Vizcarra "Alterations to the broad-spectrum formin inhibitor SMIFH2 improve potency"- bioRxiv doi: (accepted in Sci Reports)


4)   Maria Rosito, Caterina Sanchini, Giorgio Gosti, Manuela Moreno, Simone De Panfilis, Maria Giubettini, Doriana Debellis, Federico Catalano, Giovanna Peruzzi, Roberto Marotta, Alessia Indrieri, Elvira De Leonibus, Davide Ragozzino, Giancarlo Ruocco, Silvia Di Angelantonio, Francesca Bartolini "Reactive microglia and cytokine release entails microtubule remodeling from acentrosomal to centrosomal arrays"- bioRxiv doi: (accepted in Cell Reports)


5)   Yoon A. Kim, Jennifer Blaze, Tristan Winters, Atul Kumar, Ellen Tein, Andrew A. Sproul, Andrew F. Teich, Francesca Bartolini, Schahram Akbarian, Gunnar Hargus, Ismael Santa-Maria. "NSun2 deficiency promotes tau hyperphosphorylation and neurodegeneration through epitranscriptomic regulation of miR-125b"- bioRxiv doi: (accepted in Acta Neuropathologica)


6)   Leticia Peris, Xiaoyi Qu, Jean-Marc Soleilhac, Julie Parato, Fabien Lante, Atul Kumar, Maria Elena Pero, José Martinez-Hernandez, Charlotte Corrao, Giulia Falivelli, Florian Payet, Sylivie Gory-Faure, Christophe Bosc, Marian Blanca Ramirez, Andrew Sproul, Jacques Brocard, Benjamin Di Cara, Philippe Delagrange, Alain Buisson, Yves Goldberg, Marie-Jo Moutin, Francesca Bartolini, Annie Andrieux "Impaired α-tubulin re-tyrosination leads to synaptic dysfunction and is a feature of Alzheimer's disease"- bioRxiv 443847 doi: (accepted in Brain)


7)    Jessica Eira,  Joana Magalhaes, Nidia Macedo, Maria Elena Pero, Thomas Misgeld, Monica M Sousa, Francesca Bartolini,  Marcia A Liz "Transthyretin promotes axon growth via regulation of microtubule dynamics and tubulin acetylation"- bioRxiv doi: 436762 (accepted in Frontiers)


8)   Shin G.J., Pero M.E., Hammond L.A., Burgos A., Galindo S.E., Bartolini F., and W.B. Grueber* “Integrins protect nociceptive neurons in models of paclitaxel-mediated peripheral sensory neuropathy”- (accepted in PNAS) bioRxiv 829655; doi: in PNAS)


9)   Pero M.E., Meregalli C., Qu X., Kumar A, Shorey M., Rolls M., Tanji K., Brannangan T.H., Alberti P., Fumagalli G., Monza L., Cavaletti G. and Bartolini F*. “Pathogenic role of Delta-2 tubulin in bortezomib induced peripheral neuropathy”- (accepted as a full article in PNAS). bioRxiv doi: (*corresponding author)(accepted in PNAS)


10)   Guest Editor of a Special Issue on “Microtubules: multiple roles in healthy neurons and in neurological disease”- Neuroscience Letters.


11)   Co-guest Editor with Guido Cavaletti of a Special Issue on "Tubulin and axonal transport disturbances in CNS and PNS diseases"- Experimental Neurology


Other Non-Peer Rewiewed Publications:


1)    Bartolini F. “Microtubules and actin filaments "cross-talk" in cell migration: role of the formin mDia and the tumor suppressor APC”, Oct 2007, The Italian Academy, Columbia University -


2)    Bartolini F. “Biological functions of stable microtubules: a proposed role in cellular memory”, April 2008, The Italian Academy, Columbia University -

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